well. today officially marks the halfway point. 20 weeks! i can hardly believe it. as of this morning, here is how the baby bump is progressing:
still nothing too exciting. (but i did "instagram" it, so maybe that will make the picture a tad more interesting...) :-) mind you, i'm not complaining about my size. i'm sure i'll pop soon enough! i'm not a small person to begin with, so maybe the baby has more room to hide. :-) however, according to my weekly pregnancy email update, the baby is now the size of a cantaloupe. i'm just trying to figure out where that cantaloupe is hiding...
so anyway. halfway. that's both exciting and scary. i am thrilled beyond belief to meet baby girl lougee, but SO MUCH has to happen between now and december 23(ish)! here is my current list. (i'm posting this mostly for my own benefit.) :-)
- settle on a name for baby girl. (i'm pretty sure we have this one nailed down. but we just want to be sure!)
- register for classes. (birthing class? breastfeeding class? infant care 101? i need all the help i can get!)
- register for baby supplies. (at babies r us? target? i'm not sure yet...)
- figure out what maternity leave is going to look like and how long it is going to last.
- prep everything for the temp who will fill in for me during maternity leave.
- finalize childcare plans for when i return to work. (my FANTASTIC sister has volunteered to be our primary babysitter during the week. however, she currently has one child of her own and two on the way from rwanda (!!), so with baby lougee, it's going to be FULL house. i'd like to find another babysitter for one or two days a week to give keri a little break.)
- finish house projects, including but not limited to:
- finish repairing our squirrel-ravaged second floor (wiring, drywall, moulding, painting, etc.)
- replace all windows (it's an older house. the windows are 50-60 years old and very drafty. we don't want baby girl catching a cold unnecessarily!)
- move the office from its current location (first floor) to its new location (second floor)
- create a nursery (in the old office -- right next to our bedroom on the first floor)
- finish painting the hallway on the first floor, which includes five doors plus the walls (i guess technically this doesn't HAVE to be completed before the baby arrives, but i'd love to just get it over with.)
- organize EVERYTHING. :-)
so i think we have our work cut out for us for the next 20 weeks. but i'm sure it will all come together. right? (i mean, it really will,
right? i need a pep talk here. it WILL come together.)
let me wrap this up before i get too overwhelmed (which seems to happen a lot these days, thanks to my only semi-functioning brain). :-) have a great weekend, everyone!!