Thursday, August 25, 2011


i have been told that i've "popped" this week.  and i agree.  what do you think?

23 weeks and feeling great!

i love that little bump!  and i love feeling baby girl moving around in there.  she has definitely established very clear patterns within the past few weeks.  i feel her moving every day around 11am, 4pm, and 10pm.  she's imitating her mommy already -- establishing an organized schedule.  :-)

steve and i have been keeping busy during this past month, knocking things off our to-do list and feeling pretty good about it -- new windows have been ordered, the hallway and doors have been painted, progress has been made on the second floor renovations...  i plan to post some project pictures soon!

well, i'm off to the eye doctor!  that's another thing i wanted to accomplish before baby girl arrives -- new glasses to replace my current pair that has been super glued together for the past few months.  :-)  have a great day!


  1. Awww! Adorable! Hope you're feeling as good as you look! :) ~Susan

  2. You are too cute, mama! So thrilled for this real live answer to so many prayers!

  3. Adorable - so is your Kate Spade phone cover!

  4. hahaha, thanks katie! i'd be lying if i said i wasn't tickle pink when i found that phone cover. it's so cute!
