Friday, October 21, 2011


baby isla is due in two months.  TWO MONTHS.  i'm pretty sure that's not possible.  i don't feel the slightest bit prepared, but ready or not, the girl is on her way!

the "to do" list still feels a mile long, but we've crossed off some pretty major things.  each one of these items came with its fair share of drama, but in the end, i can see how God has worked through the difficulties and, despite my shortcomings and shortsightedness, has poured out His blessings.
  • due to the amazing generosity of the most fantastic family EVER, i am able to extend my maternity leave from 6 weeks to 12 weeks!
  • we have found and secured isla's place in a quality, affordable daycare!
  • steve found a (very) part-time job at a local christian radio station to help off-set the cost of childcare!
  • feeling pretty blue about having to be a working mom, i set up a little "working moms' support group."  i'm looking forward to meeting with these ladies in a few weeks to see how they've handled the transition!
listing all of those things makes me feel so warm and thankful and blessed!

i also feel extraordinarily blessed to be carrying a healthy baby girl inside of me.  we had a bit of a scare last week that landed me in the triage unit of the women and babies hospital for four hours.  long story short, while preparing for a luncheon at work, i tripped over a pumpkin and landed pretty hard on my belly.  (it's ok.  you can laugh.  i'm laughing about it now too!)  :-)  after talking to the doctor through hysterical sobbing, she strongly urged me to go to the hospital for observation.

ahhhhh, yes.  there i am, feeling pretty snazzy in my hospital gown.  :-)  don't look too closely -- there are tears and eye makeup smeared all over my face!  they monitored me and isla for several hours, did some blood work (to make sure there was no internal bleeding), and performed another ultrasound.  from the ultrasound, we learned that:
  1. isla is definitely a girl.
  2. she is healthy and doing great.  (although, she is still breech.  so isla, annnnny time you want to do a little flip-er-oo, please go for it.  thanks in advance.)  ;-)
  3. she has the cutest little ears.
  4. she has a head full of hair!  
it was a scary day, BUT, i have to admit, the whole experience made me feel much more connected to my daughter.  i suddenly felt like a mother.  a very "mama bear" protective mother.  :-)  i would have done anything to make sure she was ok.

just needed to share these blessings out loud and to remind myself that it's all going to work out... one way or another.  thanks for stopping by!  :-)


  1. That photo is like a snapshot into the future! So much good stuff in this post. You're making amazing progress and should be so proud! ;)

  2. So glad everything turned out ok. :) And we were planning on Lydia having a full head of hair too based on seeing her hair floating in the fluid during an ultrasound...she was bald as a cue ball until she was one, lol. Just sayin'. ;-)

  3. good point, rachel. i guess we'll just have to wait and see! although, if she's anything like her mother, she'll have tons of hair. i had pig tails by the time i was 3 months old! :-)

  4. Love your blessings! So glad the scare was only that. I fell down the stairs when pregnant with the twins and wiped out in a parking lot when I was carrying Josie. Welcome to the Falling-Down-Pregnant Club.
