Friday, September 19, 2014

bright, sunshiny day

i don't even care what the scale says this week. i really don't. because for the first time since i started this little adventure, i feel AMAZING. like just awesome. i can't really put my finger on it, but i first noticed it when i was sitting in wednesday's staff meeting -- i wasn't tired! i was strangely energized. all day, i felt light on my feet. my "skinny jeans" were no longer cutting off my circulation and a few shirts were noticeably baggier than normal. eeeeeee! best feeling ever! no matter what the scale says, something is happening, and it's so very good!

this week's menu:
saturday was turkey chili night. it just had to be. a chill in the air, football season in full swing, sweatshirts and slippers and snuggles under blankets. for me, this is the BEST time of year. nothing speaks to me in quite the same way as a setting sun a crisp autumn evening. ahhh.... but i seem to be getting side-tracked.  :-)  this turkey chili is actually a recipe of my own making. (it's affectionately nick-named "lucky chili" for reasons i won't get into now...)  :-)  i've been working on this recipe since steve and i got married over 7 years ago. it's sweet and hearty and contains no beans. which is the CORRECT way to make chili. if i've learned anything from sheldon cooper on the big bang theory, it's that real chili does not have beans in it. 

in an effort to include more veggies, though, this time i added some chopped carrots. i really liked it. great addition! steve said it was the best chili i've ever made. score! i used to eat my chili on a mountain of corn chips, topped with heaps of cheddar cheese, and a generous dollop of sour cream. this time, in order to keep my calories in check, i sprinkled just a few crushed corn chips over the top along with a tablespoon or two of sharp cheddar cheese. it was perfect! didn't miss the extra chips at all.

mix it all up and dig in!

sunday's sausage, potato, and kale skillet with buffalo cauliflower was super random and really just an effort to use up some stuff in the fridge... the skillet portion was an adaptation of a family favorite. we've eaten sausage and potatoes on christmas morning for as long as i can remember. to make it feel more like an dinner entree, i included some sauteed onions and garlic with my turkey sausage and also added some kale for good measure (and because i just can't seem to make a dent in pile of kale in my fridge. doesn't a bunch of kale seem to go on forever and ever?) for a completely unrelated side dish, i've been dying to try roasted buffalo cauliflower bites because, duh, buffalo sauce. these were REALLY good. although, i cut up my cauliflower way too small. we had to eat it with a fork when really i think it's supposed to be finger food (like a sad but still delicious vegetarian substitute for buffalo wings). regardless, steve and i INHALED it. so good.

a strange pairing. but both were delicious!

monday's pesto chicken stuffed peppers were definitely a highlight for the week. you guys, i have never enjoyed peppers. to me, they've always seemed so intrusive and spread their flavor a little too liberally into everything they touch. it's honestly been a stretch for me to try new recipes that include peppers. i've been quite careful to dice them finely so that they won't offend my tastebuds. but my, oh my, they ARE pretty, aren't they? seeing a basket filled with green, red, and yellow peppers makes me smile. so if that's not reason enough to put yourself out there and give them another chance, then i don't know what is. ;-) ANYWAY, all that to say that these quinoa and chicken and pesto and mozzarella stuffed peppers were mind-blowing. aaaamazing. i feel the need to apologize to all pepper-kind for being so judgmental of them all these years. please make these immediately, folks. (truth be told, steve couldn't handle the peppers. he's not yet willing to admit that he too has been wrong about peppers for all these years... but he loved the filling! so that's a half-win.)

i only ate 2 for dinner, but i had to get a picture of these beauties together.
how can you not smile when you look at them?

wednesday's skinny bbq chicken flatbread was a delight!  truly.  it was easy to make and so extremely tasty.  for the super healthy among us, this recipe might be a no-go since it requires the use of bbq sauce, which generally contains high fructose corn syrup.  i know, i know...  anyone know of some healthier options out there? i really haven't done too much searching, because i'll be completely honest, when used in moderation, i'm ok with the HFCS, especially in the form of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce. shhh, don't tell.

chicken, black beans, corn, cheddar cheese, and altogether yummy!

beth's win for the week: we had special dinners twice this week. the first was a pizza dinner at our house, during which i managed to eat ONLY ONE PIECE. i know this is mind-boggling, but please try to hold your applause, folks. the second special dinner was a delicious roast beef meal with my parents and some dear friends from argentina. i kept my portions in check and also PASSED ON DESSERT. and not just any dessert -- lemon bars. let me say that again -- LEMON BARS. lemon desserts are my heart's passion. so this was a major sacrifice and exercise of self-control. you can go ahead and clap for me. :-)

WEEKLY WEIGH-IN: i lost 1 pound this week! i know it's not much, but i don't even care. things are changing, and i feel great! woohoo!